What’s good?! Day 29!! Today is all about sharing a “loss”. Want to know a little secret? EVERYONE fails. Everyone tries so hard to be perfect and flawless, but the truth is,…
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Acknowledgement: Recognize And Appreciate An Impact Made On You
What’s good?! Alright, I get it, enough with the intensity! Today we are going to be humble and grateful. Give special acknowledgement to someone who has made an impact in your life. Who…
Making Your Audience FEEL Your Vision
What’s good?! Day 27 is a beautiful crossroads in your journey. This is where you expand on yesterday’s post by linking your dopeness to your overall vision and the impact that you want to…
Toot Toot! The Party Train Is Here!
What’s good?! There’s definitely a time to be humble buuuut today is NOT that day boo boo! Show off and show out! Brag on yourself, throw humility out the window and let’s…
Learn To Grow Your Audience Through Strengthening The Connection With Your Community
What’s good!? The next few days are dedicated to sharing the journey of your days. Anything exciting? Anything extraordinarily boring? It doesn’t matter what, as long as it’s authentic to you. Remember,…
I Am Deliberate And Afraid Of Nothing
What’s good?! Let’s dive into Day 21! Discover why YOU are dope and what makes you unique. What do you bring to the planet that no one else does. Take a trip…
Looking Back On Your Journey For Growth
What’s good? Day 20! That means your second opportunity to take a moment and reflect on the last 10 days. Remember, every 10 days you’re going to look back at your journey since…
I’m Dropping A POWERFUL Value Bomb, Sit Down For This One!
What’s good?! I hope you’ve been loving the previous 18 days but I know you’re going to LOVE today, get ready for day 19! Now that your audience is getting to know you…
Going Behind The Music And Revealing Your Truth
What’s good?! For days 14 through 18, we’re going to explore who you are, and a little of your life. Why? Attention + Connection = Relevance! Take these next few days…
Being You Is POWERFUL, Let Your Voice Be Heard
What’s good?! Day 13 is all about newsjacking… newsjacking FTW! Are you familiar with the term? It’s the art and science of injecting your ideas into a breaking news story so you…