My Commitment:
I, Marvin Coffman, commit to writing The Five Minute Journal for at least 5 days in a row, starting 3/13.
Writing this journal is important to me because…
- I want a better life for my family.
- I want to be my best self.
- I am confident it will help me crush my goals.
If I finish 5 days of writing this journal, I will reward myself with…
An Oreo Milkshake
If I don’t finish 5 days of writing this journal, I will promise to…
Do 50 pull-ups in one session.
I will do the following things to ensure that I will do The Five Minute Journal every day:
- Get up to my alarm
- Write my journal on my show
- Share my journal with Jenn
- Keep my journal by my bed
- Set a daily task to write
- Share my journal on my blog
What is your biggest challenge?
Starting and finishing projects in a timely manner
Your identity statement:
I bring dreams to reality with technology by executing writing processes daily.
What are three major obstacles that would stop you from writing the journal (morning/night)?
- Getting caught up with other tasks
- Leaving the journal somewhere
- Forgetting about the journal
Write two actions you can take per obstacle to make sure you don’t succumb to laziness.
- Integrate the journal into other task
- Share journal with someone
- Make mental note to keep with me
- Keep journal with phone charger
- Set alarm on phone
- Build into daily routine