What’s good?!
I hope you’ve been loving the previous 18 days but I know you’re going to LOVE today, get ready for day 19!
Now that your audience is getting to know you better and you’re creating relevant connections, it’s time to drop a VALUE BOMB!
Give one of your best and most beneficial tips from around your area of expertise.
This should include things that you would typically charge a lot of money for. Seems odd right? The idea is to make people say “Wow! This is for free??!?!”
Make them have that “aha moment”, that is your only goal when creating value bombs.
If you need help creating a value bomb, I provide a worksheet in my Personal Brand Blueprint to help make the process easier. Head over to https://www.bigmarvsblueprint.com/ to download a digital version of the Personal Brand Blueprint.
One Love,
Big Marv