The Problem Solver Is Here! Tell The World All About It

What’s good?!


Day 62 is upon us and it’s all about announcing your product!


Take the information and feedback you have been collecting and tell your audience that you have been working on something that will solve the problem(s) that they have been mentioning around your area of expertise (end with more details to come).


Be really detailed, explain why you created it, why and how it will help your tribe,

tell them what is in your product! If it is a digital product, make a little description

about the lessons and what you are trying to teach!


What is it?

  • A physical product?
  • An eBook?
  • A full course?


As always, I provide a worksheet in my Personal Brand Blueprint to help make the process a little easier! Head over to to download a digital version of the Personal Brand Blueprint.


You can tell your community you are going to announce X thing on a Live

Facebook at X time! Make it an event to remember!


One Love,

Big Marv


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